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Old 06-18-2009, 02:08 PM   #10
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Bay Area CA
Posts: 6
Re: Hello from California!

Not a new rider, just new to small displacement! I got the GZ during the height of the gas crunch in the bay area to see if i could tolerate a 250 to help with insurance costs and keeping money in the pocket, and low and behold the little thing has grown on me. It just lacked in in a few areas, mainly aesthetics, which i plan to change.

As the old saying goes . ." One of the coldest winters ive ever experienced was a summer in San Fransisco."

New GZ250, Ive heard of 35 but have yet to make it out to that area of the peninsula with the GZ or a car for that matter. Maybe we could organize a meet'n ride for GZ's in the near future!
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