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Old 06-12-2009, 04:38 PM   #7
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Re: Switching to reserve.

One last note: Gas mileage on GZ's can vary considerably, so be careful if you are going out into the boonies not to depend 100% on past history. Some of it has to do with highway/city, some with how fast you decide to go, but I also found the condition of the carburation/air/valves/emission sstem (basically the whole combustion part of it) can have a significant impact on gas mileage. When I first got the GZ, I could go 180-190 before hitting reserve. Then something went wrong with my carburator or valves or emisssions or god knows what and I started running out at 140 or so. (Was a big surprise the first time it happened!) After I got the problem fixed, the mileage went back up again.
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