Switching to reserve.
So today I suddenly lost power on my GZ. Deffinitely an OH crap moment for me. I had no cell phone & no cash & was out in the middle of nowhere.
I stopped, tried to turn it over but nothing. Not wanting to run the battery down, I thought, well I better check things out.
I am not mechanically inclined but know enough about the GZ to know there is a reserve setting. I sat back on the bike, swished it around a bit & there sure seemed like there was enough gas in the tank for me.
But I switched to reserve & she started right up. Made it home.
So I am wondering, what have been your experiences with how much gas will require you to tun to reserve? I haven't filled the bike up yet to try it out, but is that normal? Does it just STOP (lose all power) when it is time to put it to reserve?
I'm hoping nothing else was wrong.
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