Re: NEW accident report!
Finally!.......... Only one month later! :whistle:
Just got a letter from my insurance company, to say that the other guy's insurance will pay up :2tup:
It's been a fight, but I've had R.A.C.E. (Royal Automobile Club of Spain) of which I'm a member, & my insurance company (part of R.A.C.E.) fighting for me. They've worked on the assumption that whatever the minor details ( :whistle: ) of who's right/wrong as regards road positioning, the guy should have checked his mirror before making a major move, such as turning left.
Went down to the bike shop, only to find that the owner's on holiday, & won't be back until monday. Still, a few more days won't hurt, now that I know I'm going to get all the repairs covered.
Yeah - I know! - I won't do that again! I suppose I was just over confidant after a lot of years of accident free riding. Newbies, please learn from my mistakes!
Just in passing - The only bone I've ever broken in my body was my wrist, when I went over the handlebars on a patch of grit, in my teens.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.