Thread: HOT HOT engine
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Old 06-02-2009, 09:52 PM   #1
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Posts: 11
HOT HOT engine

my 2000 with 7,050 miles on it seems to be running awfully hot. it also dies when idling. AND I think I am finding drops of oil on the left side close to the oil window every time I ride. I just changed the oil & the oil filter (I only put in 1.5 quarts). I just checked the air filter & it looks really clean. I'm worried the oil filter is installed wrong - could that be why it's so hot? But I put it back just the way the instructions told me...
Before I changed the oil it was leaking really bad due to loose cover. The nuts weren't even tight on the cover but I don't know how that happened either. Could they work themselves loose?

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