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Old 05-26-2009, 09:24 AM   #10
Easy Rider
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Re: Help! Clutch cable adjustment or something bigger......

Originally Posted by jazzgrrl
choke open,

then dies immediately when the clutch is let out.
When describing a problem it is important to convey the RIGHT information, for instance:

When a choke is operated, it is closed, not open. Are you operating the choke? If so, how much? You should try it fully operated for a few seconds and then back to about half.

I assume with the push starting you mean that it dies when the clutch is pulled IN......???

+1 on what Sarris said about the battery.

And one final point that I don't think has been covered: Put the petcock lever to PRIme for about 10 minutes and then try to start; that's what the prime setting is be sure fuel is getting to the carbs after sitting for a while not running.
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