Re: Bigger bike and no payments
Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by caroledee1
I have finally succumbed to my urge for a larger bike. 1999 Yamaha V-star 650 Classic with 4500 miles in great shape. Paid $2450.
OK and what about the REST of the story?? How do you LIKE it so far?
I am enjoying it greatly. Just got it yesterday and I'm still getting used to the clutch.(Very sensitive)I haven't
tried to adjust it yet. Work keeps getting in the way.
It looks a little like my Shadow.......except for the color.
Now that you have a road worthy bike, are you going to bring it to Springfield on Sunday for the races ??
I wish! Graduation of an old friends daughter to attend.
I had lunch in Clinton today; spur of the moment thing.
Remind me what day of the week you have off ??
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday- US30 Dragstrip (Remember that commercial on WLS?)
Have great weekend and enjoy the races if you go!
Ride like you're invisible, not invincible.