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Old 05-22-2009, 03:51 PM   #13
Easy Rider
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Location: Champaign, Illinois
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Re: Carb problems following needle shim mod

Originally Posted by Goose
Your post had the feel of trying to rub salt in an open wound, not trying to help. Please explain to me what part of your post was geared toward a discussion about what is actually wrong with my bike and NOT the fact that I shouldn't have done the mod in the first place.

Of course now this thread has deteriorated into nothing but a pissing match, which is likely to leave me with no help.
And just who do you think posted messages that caused it to "deteriorate" the most ??

You're right; I had nothing additional to offer.....partly since it appeared that you had already figured out what the most likely cause IS and were going about correcting that.

And here's a news flash for you: Sometimes we post messages to just "discuss" things. That kind of keeps the topic fresh while we wait for someone else to chime in......or in your case, we wait for your "fix" to be implemented to see the result.

Sometimes someone mentions a tiny little thing that triggers a memory from someone a post that didn't directly address the original problem. Sometimes the OP fails to mention critical details and just chatting brings them out.

I am sorry that you took my post in a light that it was NOT intended. I am not sorrry, however, that I made the post.

I hope you get the bike fixed soon. I will darken your door no more.
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