Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by Goose
I'm simply hoping to gain knowledge from this site and, eventually, have enough knowledge to share with others.
And what exactly makes you think that I am doing anything different than that ??
Nothing in my post was nasty or demeaning. Responding in that fashion will certainly encourage others to offer their thoughts, won't it ?? :skull:
You had no knowledge to offer in your original response other than what was already obvious. As I said... 20-20 hindsight. Instead of suggesting WHAT I might have done wrong while performing or reversing the mod you simply pointed out that doing the mod in the first place wasn't a wise thing to do. However, because my bike doesn't run correctly, I'd already figured that part out, which is why I posted a question in the "troubleshooting" part of the forum.
Your post had the feel of trying to rub salt in an open wound, not trying to help. Please explain to me what part of your post was geared toward a discussion about what is actually wrong with my bike and NOT the fact that I shouldn't have done the mod in the first place.
Of course now this thread has deteriorated into nothing but a pissing match, which is likely to leave me with no help.