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Old 05-21-2009, 10:23 PM   #30
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Arizona
Posts: 20
Re: Help! Bike cranks fine but won't start.

Well, someone also told me that spraying too much starter fluid into the motor can wash the cylinder clean as well and possibably have a negative effect on the rings. But I've got the bike project on hold for right now. I couldn't find the 12mm adapter for the compression gauge locally so I had to order one online. It will probably take at least a week to get here. I've been toying with the bike a little, but I'm really beginning to think I might have a compression problem. Could be stuck or gummed up valves, bad rings, or worse. Once I get the adapter, I'll be able to do a compression test and a leak down test if I do indeed have low compression. That might point me in the right direction. Just for fun I called a local Suzuki dealer today and asked them how much they'd charge to rebuild this little 250cc engine if I brought it in with bad compression. The guy said it would be around $1000 :lol: That ain't going to happen. I can't believe these dealers are actually charging people a grand to rebuild a little single cylinder 250cc motor. If it is a compression problem, I'll either have to fix it myself or sell the bike as is to someone who's looking for a little project.

I'll post the results of the compression test once I get the adapter.
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