Carb problems following needle shim mod
Well, I did the needle shim mod today and it made my bike run like crap. It jerked and didn't want to rev smoothly. Not sure if the higher altitude made it run too rich after the mod or not, but that was all I could think of.
Because of the way it ran, I decided to switch the washer back to its normal position. I pulled the carb apart again and managed to put a small bend in the little spring that holds the needle in place. I re-bent the spring, reversed the mod, and put everything back together. It now runs OK, but is slow to return to idle and doesn't rev smoothly, but will rev every time I pull the throttle. If I hold it at 1/4 throttle it runs very rough and at one point stalled out. once I let it warm up it would return to its normal idle after a few seconds at higher RPMs.
These are not problems that were happening before the mod, so it seems I did something wrong. Could the fact that the needle spring isn't perfect affect this? (I already have one on order with the dealer, but if it might be the problem it would make me feel a little better.)
Some additional info:
It's an 06' with just under 700 miles on it
This current tank of gas is half used, 91 octane, and has been running a dose of seafoam engine/carb cleaner in it since I filled it.
I did not remove the carb all the way to do the mod. I loosened the manifolds and rotated it. I did remember to tighten the clamps back up.
The throttle is snapping back as it should
While idling, I sprayed carb cleaner on all the air hoses to check for a vacuum leak. I didn't find a leak.
I'm sure I forgot some sort of vital info, so please ask anything else that might be pertinent.
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