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Old 05-20-2009, 12:31 AM   #22
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Arizona
Posts: 20
Re: Help! Bike cranks fine but won't start.

Well, they're all good suggestions, but all to no avail. I'm very close to declaring this bike dead on arrival. I've changed the oil again, and this time it was only filled to the proper level where I filled it before. I've redone the carb again, setting everything I possibly could to the specs recommended in the manual. I've inspected the spark again, nice and blue and cleaning bridging a properly gaped plug. And after all of this... nothing. Not one little sputter, shutter, backfire, hiccup, burp, nothing. Just endless cranking over and over.

I removed the airbox and place my hand on the intake side of the carb while cranking the motor and I could feel a nice strong suction from the motor. I could literally see the carb pulling the starter fluid into the motor. It won't do anything. At this point, I'm not sure if it's getting fuel. The spark plug never gets wet with fuel the way it used to, but it should still at least sputter from the starter fluid. When the motor's cranking, I can place my hand over the tail pipe and feel the exhaust coming out.

As it sits right now I think it's one of two things: first, I got a compression gauge today but I didn't get the necessary adapter (I think it's a 12mm). I'll get the adapter tomorrow and check the compression. One of my friends told me he thinks it could very well be the compression. Second, I suppose it could be possible that the ignitor went bad and is sending out the wrong ingtion timing. I'm not sure if this is even possible but I guess it could happen :??: .

Anyway, all of the comments have been great. Please keep them coming. I will keep trying for awhile with this bike, and if I'll get fixed, I post about it here right away. It's beginning to raise my blood pressure to uncomfortable levels, and if I can't get it under control, I'll probably roll it out to the bulk trash pickup. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.
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