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Old 05-19-2009, 11:53 AM   #19
Easy Rider
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Re: Help! Bike cranks fine but won't start.

Originally Posted by DSmithjr
I probably drained about a gallon out of it. I’m not sure that this would cause any serious damage, but I guess it could have.
Ah HA !! A good clue.
Don't suppose you got a smell of that "oil" you drained out, did you ??

I'm betting it was about half GAS.......that leaked into the cylinder because the float wasn't closing.....and maybe STILL isn't closing.....thus explaining a WAY too rich a mixture AND why adding even MORE fuel, in the form of starting fluid, doesn't produce any result. Also betting the your plug is wet all the time.

If I'm right, you need to:
1) fix the carb. so it doesn't dump fuel into the block anymore.
2) at the first tiny sign of it actually firing, stop and change the oil (/gas mixture).
3) run it a few minutes/miles to get it hot and then CHANGE THE OIL AGAIN.
Hopefully the gas in with the oil didn't do any permanent damage but it WILL if you don't get it flushed out good.
Loud pipes risk rights!
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