Re: Help! Bike cranks fine but won't start.
Well, I have a lot of stuff to check out here. First, I’m sure it’s not the kill switch. My bike won’t crank over if it’s turned off. Second, 55 bucks isn’t a bad price for that ignitor. I might have to pick that up just for the hell of it.
This bike is really odd. Everything seems to be fine, but it just won’t start. And yes, this is exactly why you shouldn’t buy a bike that’s not running. I’ve done it before so I figured I could do it again, but I’m beginning to lose confidence. Everything on the bike looks good, but I’ll be damned if I can’t get this thing to run. I will do a compression check today. The bike sounds fine when it’s cranking over, but for all I know there could be some internal engine damage. The bike was over full of oil when I got it. I probably drained about a gallon out of it. I’m not sure that this would cause any serious damage, but I guess it could have.
I’m listening to all of your ideas. Anything I can try, I’ll try. To me, like someone else already mentioned, it seems like it’s not getting spark. I mean for the bike to do nothing even when starter fluid is sprayed into the carb it just seems like a spark issue to me. If it would at least give me a little sputter on the starter fluid, I’d have something to go on, but it doesn’t do anything.
I’ve checked again and again for spark and it’s there. I wondered if the timing could be off. Seems unlikely to me, but I’ve never had one these bikes before. If that happens, I’ll try to fix it. I know if the timing was WAY off I should at least get a back fire, but I’m not getting anything.