Re: Have Bike Now What??
It's amazing how the perception of a message board is so wildly different from one person to the next. SR is a great site, filled with good information and people who are generally a lot more willing to help, even when compared to here. Dupo's dead right about the open-mindedness and having a thick skin over there. You can be a surly, rotten d-bag elsewhere, and people tend to take it. But over there, you're called out for what you are and you're forced to deal with it. If you don't deal with it on your own, you're rightfully culled from the herd.
It's a little more life-like, than the Disney-concocted lovepit we have going here. WW is right in the other thread...we are kind of the family-friendly version of a motorcycle message board.
]I am hiding in Honduras. I am a desperate man. Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.