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Old 05-18-2009, 11:28 PM   #7
Water Warrior 2
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Re: First organized (group) ride!

Originally Posted by Tranquility
My husband's church held a "Blessing of the Bikes" this Sunday, followed by a 45 mile, police-escorted run. It was cloudy, chilly, scary, exhilerating, perfect!! Upon arrival back at the church, I easily consumed vast quantities of hot dogs and wondered why riding always makes me so hungry??!! (I'm going to have to watch that!)

It sure was fun though. I was the only female rider (excluding one rider's 8 year old daughter as passenger) and I won't lie, that made me feel wonderfully unique as well as part of the whole. I was chilled to the bone (I think the temps never made it out of the 50's) but it was worth the experience. New milestone for me, woo hoo!

Again, for anybody familiar with Litchfield County, Connecticut:
133N out of Bridgewater to 67 towards-and-onto 199 to 47 back onto 67 to 133S into Bridgewater. Short loop as runs go, but just right for a first-timer!

What a truly unique experience. Brings a smile to my face just trying to imagine it. Now tell hubby you want a Gremlin Bell on the GZ. He has to buy it and give it to you as a gift. The bell will ward of road gremlins and your rides will be trouble free.
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