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Old 05-18-2009, 01:08 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Illinois
Posts: 93
Re: First organized (group) ride!

Originally Posted by Tranquility
My husband's church held a "Blessing of the Bikes" this Sunday. I was the only female rider (excluding one rider's 8 year old daughter as passenger) and I won't lie, that made me feel wonderfully unique as well as part of the whole.
Yes, I can relate to that feeling. I have had non-traditional jobs for a woman most of my life. I went to a Blessing of the Bikes ceremony at Starved Rock, IL a few years ago. The Catholic priest came up to my bike with the holy water and asked if I would like my bike blessed. I replied, " Sure, I'm not Catholic, but I can use all the help I can get!" :2tup:
Ride like you're invisible, not invincible.
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