Originally Posted by Goose
Originally Posted by Blackbird
Goose ...
How did the higher end torque feel after you did the other mods but before the 16t? There are a bunch of 65 mph roads here over mountains and, while I don't mind winding it out in 4th, I wouldn't mind adding a little torque to help out. I don't care too much about top speed though, as there isn't a 75 mph road with in 200 miles of here. Thanks!
Perhaps I should clarify that I don't have the 16 tooth sprocket on yet. I bought it, but have not installed it yet. I do use 5th through the hills and it pulls up them well at 55 to 60. I'm not sure how heavy you are but I'm sure that would come into play. I am anxious to try the 16 tooth gear and will get to it sooner or later. Sorry for the confusion.
Sorry... I looked at your "joined" date instead of the "posted" date and thought that you'd originally posted your mods back in 08'. Had I been smart enough to notice that you'd only posted two days before I asked my question, I wouldn't have made that mistake. Your original post was quite clear... my brain, however, was not. :lol:
Ah yes a common malady of those who ride bikes. Be sure brain is in gear before putting mouth in motion. lol :lol: We are all guilty from time to time.