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Old 05-17-2009, 01:41 PM   #13
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 28
Re: My 2006 GZ mods ...

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by Goose
There are a bunch of 65 mph roads here over mountains and, while I don't mind winding it out in 4th, I wouldn't mind adding a little torque to help out. I don't care too much about top speed though, as there isn't a 75 mph road with in 200 miles of here. Thanks!
A little clarification might be in order. Are you climbing those mountains in 4th NOW, with the stock gearing? If so, the 16T would definitely help get you a little more speed from 4th.

If, OTOH, you are runnning the hills in 5th now, then forget the 16T; there is NO WAY you will maintain 65 up a steep hill in 5th with the 16T.

I forgot that I'd posted this question so it's taken me a little bit to get back to it.

Right now I'm climbing them in 4th. I'll be getting a tach soon so I can get an idea where my rpms are. The hills are steep enough that the little engine doesn't have the power to hold speed in 5th going up, but I don't want to redline it in 4th.

Yes, I know it's a little bike and I'm not trying to make it a speed demon. If there are a few mods that I can do to give it a little more torque up the hills, than I'll do them because, honestly, I love to tinker and mod things, even if I only get a 3% gain. It's worth it because it's fun.

If none of the mods make any difference, then I won't mess with them and I'll be happy climbing in 4th gear. Since all of the roads have passing lanes on the climbs I don't mind being under the speed limit.

From what I know about gearing, it seems the 16t would actually be detrimental to holding speed up a hill in 5th. On the flats I can see the advantage, but it seems like it might bog it down going up hill... although it seems like I might get a little extra speed up the hills with it in 4th without loosing too much torque.

Maybe I'll just have to try a bunch of different things and see what I like.

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