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Old 05-15-2009, 09:39 AM   #8
Join Date: May 2009
Location: New Milford, CT
Posts: 62
Re: Luggage, specifically tank bags

Thanks adrianinflorida, I'll be sure to keep my baby as scratch-free as possible for as long as possible. We had the bike for just a couple weeks when, as hubby and I were walking through the garage past the bikes I reached out and gave my GZ's gas tank a hearty pat, as you would on the back of a large dog, y'know? Not only was there a satisfying thump-thump sound as I crooned "There's my girl! we'll get out on the road again soon", but also my wedding band made a distinctive tink-tink sound on the tank. My husband jumped a foot! "Ack!!!!" I pulled my hand away quickly, inspected for tell-tale marks ... whew! none. This time. :-)
I am what I am, 'cause I ain't what I used to be.
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