Originally Posted by Moedad
Alan, what's the word on your bike? How long before you're back in the saddle?
Sorted out the brake pedal yesterday. Also managed to straighten the headlamp bracket (sort of). The guy at the bike shop put a piece of scaffolding pole on the handlebars & got them nearly straight (he couldn't straighten them perfectly, as he was afraid of snapping them) He also gave me the engine guard (scuffed) that he swapped last week, so I fitted that yesterday. He's ordered new bars & a new headlamp bracket, but they'll take a fortnight (two weeks!) to get here. In the meantime, the bikes now ridable, so I'm off out to try it out this morning (it's 10 a.m. over here)
One more thing. The mechanic obviously didn't know what he was doing when he replaced the bar ends last week! When I took them off, yesterday, to straighten the long bolts, the two old nuts fell out of the bars. It seems like it's not only the newbies on this site that don't know how to do it. :roll:
Forgot :- He also gave me the exhaust (muffler?) that the insurance company didn't want back, so now I've got a spare in case I want to alter the existing one.
Edit - I've been down to the local town, & the bike's riding great. It must be my imagination, but it feels like the bump has "loosened" everything up, & it feels smoother than it did before. :cool: