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Old 05-05-2009, 04:12 PM   #17
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Indialantic, Florida
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Re: Cutch, shift, clutch, shift, cl...SNAP!

Originally Posted by burkbuilds
Just broke my cable a couple of hours ago. Heading down the parkway from Wal-Mart and it just snapped as I shifted into 4th. Made it through town (small town) to the local Suzuki dealer but they had to order one, probably won't be here for two days or so. Had a little trouble getting started, (killed it three times in the parking lot)but once I was moving I was able to shift okay until I got home. I called the other local Suzuki dealer but same story, not a stock item.
Mine broke right at 12,000 miles on a 4 year old bike. Anybody know what's typical for these cables? Should I go ahead and order new cables for everything while I'm at it? Any advice appreciated, I have no idea what a normal replacement interval is for these cables.
Not sure what the life is, probably depends on use, care (Lubing), service climate.... I just ordered a full set of cables (Clutch, both throttle cables, rear brake and start cable (Choke/enricher). Gonna replace the throttle cable and rear brake, and oil and bag up the old ones for an emergency backup. Mines an '03, so they have to be due.
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