Thread: which Rotella T
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Old 05-04-2009, 09:37 AM   #23
Easy Rider
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Re: which Rotella T

Originally Posted by primal
BTW, as far as I know, the additives affect the cold weight of the oil. I.e, a 5W-40 and 10W-40 oil are made from the same 40 weight base, but have a different additive mix for the cold weight.
If you really care about this stuff, maybe you should research it a bit.
The "stuff" that makes oil multi-viscosity is mainly viscosity improvers.
That is long molecular polymer chains that ball up or string out depending on the temperature.
I don't think that particular "additive" is even petroleum based......but I'm not sure about that.

Bottom line is: I really don't care because minor differences in oil viscosity are just not that important.
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