Originally Posted by David Bo
You can use any kind of motor oil as long as it is 10W-40.
That's a pretty broad statement and MAY not be true.
[Edit] As some parts of your subsequent post would seem to indicate.
Does anybody make an energy conserving 10W40; I don't know but they might.
Does Slick 40 market a 10W40 oil with PTFE (Teflon) in it? Maybe so.
Maybe some other exotic brand makes a super slippery 10W40 that is not good for bikes.
I certainly wouldn't use the $.85 a quart stuff found at many convenience stores.
It IS true, however, that any major brand 10W40 that is not marked "energy conserving" should be OK.......key word: should.
Rich should get the super-slick stuff out ASAP. I think the filter should be changed too to get as much out as possible.