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Old 05-02-2009, 10:09 PM   #11
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: akron ohio
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Re: i got new tires, installed on 5-2-09

well thy charge 75 bucks a hour for genearal labor but they have a set price for putting on tires they quoted me about 55 bucks a tire if they halve to take the wheels off the bike and put them back on. instilation charge for the break pads was 15 bucks (cus they had the wheels off).. i think he gave me the coat for 90 bucks. im sure the screws were cheep he said they had them and i said throw those in too don't think he gave me a price on those.

something might have been cheeper than they quoted me. after he rang up the bill he read down the list of every thing they did and told me a total price all i said was sounds good, gave him the money he gave me the receipt, i stuck it in my pocket, threw on the coat,put my rain coat i wore over top of it, took a quick look at the bike saw the tires on there, saw the break pads on there on there and went home, i got on here for a min and went to bed, not feeling too good the last few days and i needed to catch up on sleep any ways. don't really feel like getting up to get the receipt. but for 220 and some change im happy.. i was expecting to pay around 250

im sure i looked super cool cruzing down the road in my rain suit. glad i had that or i would have been soaked..

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