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Old 05-01-2009, 10:01 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 15
6,000 miles checkup - go to a dealer or do it myself?

Guys and gals,

I need some help on this one. Time has come to get a 6k mile checkup. Now, I figure I've got two choices - either take it to the dealership, spend about $120 and have 'em do god only knows what... or I could give it a try.

Now I'm not a mechanic, but have a couple of uncles that are very mechanically inclined (one's chief mechanic on some oil rig, another's just a DIY on small engines). They've offered to help me... but I'm not sure what's required on the checkup (i.e. I'm unsure exactly what the tech manual is asking to do). In particular I'm worried about the tightening of the frame and how complicated that may be.

So my question to all you DIYers... have you ever done something like this before? Is it difficult? Should I just bite the bullet and turn the bike in to the dealer mechanics? I really don't know.


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