Originally Posted by alantf
Originally Posted by marmar1982
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!
Macho man?
lol what's wrong with wanting a good sounding bike.. i personally think a good semi loud muffler just makes a vehicle that much more appealing, but that's only if it has the right sound and does not break your ears..
how often do you see a old muscle car that dosent have a nice growel to it and who wants a muscle car that doset sound as mean as it looks. or even a 50's hot rod... there is nothing wrong with loud pipes or wanting loud pipes, now really loud pipes on the other hand just anoying and not fair to the people that halve to hear them.. there is a difference between loud pipes and screaming loud pipes.
if some one is looking for screaming loud pipes that you can hear from 6 blocks away than i can see a reason to bitch at them.. this guy never said i want to break every one ear drums and be heard for miles around..