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Old 04-29-2009, 01:40 PM   #32
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Re: UPDATE - New K&N Filter, Emgo Muffler, and Carburator Mods

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by marmar1982
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!
SIGH! It IS just a 250 CC motor. It will NEVER sound like a "real" motorcycle.

Whatever you do will probably either: Not make much difference OR just make it obnoxiously loud.

Doesn't anybody buy a bike to just RIDE anymore ??????

people decorate their houses, people plant gardens in their yard, people upgrade parts in their computers, people put rims on their cars. people customize their bikes and so on every one likes things they way they like them and make it more your own. and well if you could just go out and buy something exactly the way you wanted it. thany yes people would just buy bikes to ride. its nice to put your own personal touch on something and make it to your liking. if it looks super cool when you are done you can have something you can be proud of and feel good riding it down the street.

yes yes i know its just a gz but the guy who got a gz as a first bike wont know that it is probably best to leave it alone and there vertually no aftermarket parts for this bike.. so leave it how it is and enjoy the gasmilage.. or spend a few bucks do every thing your self. its a great bike to lern on. and get a few more hp out of it. witch would make a difference but its not gonna shoot down the road like a rocket ever.
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