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Old 04-29-2009, 09:11 AM   #24
Easy Rider
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Location: Champaign, Illinois
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Re: UPDATE - New K&N Filter, Emgo Muffler, and Carburator Mods

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
Would be a great selling point to have that increase in power at no real downside cost.
While I agree with what you said 100% [GASP]......making an issue of it here is pointless, unless you are just wanting to stir up an arguement.


While it might be useful to point out the contrary opinion to a real newbie in a polite and consise fashion, trying to convince someone that it might be a waste of time AFTER they have made up their mind is, at best, a waste or YOUR time. :biggrin:

Placebo effect or not, most who have done it are happy and a few are not. At least one screwed it up and had to have someone else fix it.

P.S. Most of the power loss due to design is done to comply with emission standards in the US in general and California in particular. Suzuki CAN and does tune the engine differently for different countries. The exhaust and air filter mods are contrary to federal noise laws and the carb mods might cause it to fail a mandatory emission test.
Loud pipes risk rights!
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