Thread: 2006 GZ
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Old 04-26-2009, 03:53 PM   #2
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Re: 2006 GZ

Nice. And welcome to the forum ! :2tup:

Mine is a 2005, black, had a few scratches when I bought it for a little more than half the new price 1½ years ago, from someone who first bought the bike, then went to class with her bike, and she fell and broke her ankle during the exam... . It had 35 miles on it, and I just passed the 4,000 mile mark. So far so good, I love riding it and maintenance is very doable. I also hadn't been on a motorized two wheeler since about 1977, save for a few trips on my brother's Honda 350.

Bla bla.. I should go back to the bike, doing maintenance this weekend, I still need to check the valve clearance, the air filter, tire pressure, and it will be good for another 3,000 miles ! Oh, and wash my 'beanie'.

Enjoy Your bike, happy and safe riding !!!
2005 "Saturn Black", stock + tach
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