Originally Posted by masterkeosk
However it takes awhile to get it running somewhat smoothly without the choke on. It takes a couple tries before it will stay started while giving it gas, after a couple minutes it will idle on it's own with the choke about half way on. A couple minutes later it usually idles fine. Generally at this point I deem it ok to ride without it stalling.
The little beasts are set very lean even when everything is working right. Your situation sounds about like mine was when I traded it in a few weeks ago. Your choke story is probably not normal......when coupled with your backfire report; looks like it is leaner than it should be.
Do you have a stock air filter? Check the rubber boots on each side of the carb. A vacume leak can cause the symptoms you describe......or an air filter that is less restrictive than stock.......or even a missing cap on the air box drain tube.
Failing all that, the carb probably needs a removal and manual cleaning. I'd be tempted to turn it over to a good mechanic.....if you can find one.
I have also heard that valves out of spec. can cause that; if they haven't been checked lately it might be a good time.
Idle speed should be adjusted ONLY when the engine is fully warmed up; highly doubtful that it will help your present problem any.