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Old 04-24-2009, 02:35 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: cincinnati, oh
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starting and backfire problems

I have an '03 GZ that I got from a friend that let it sit for about two years. I ran some gumout and some berryman's b12 through some new gas and new spark plug and it's up and running mostly. The first few times I had to spray the air filter with starter fluid to get the bike to start. I don't have to do that now since I've ridden it a few times. However it takes awhile to get it running somewhat smoothly without the choke on. It takes a couple tries before it will stay started while giving it gas, after a couple minutes it will idle on it's own with the choke about half way on. A couple minutes later it usually idles fine. Generally at this point I deem it ok to ride without it stalling. It never stalls at this point unless I don't put it into first correctly. THen throughout my ride it will back fire, generally toward the top end of a gear or if the revs are kinda high when I upshift. I did read on a different post that it might just be the idle turned up to high, which I haven't been able to try yet due to rain (YAY cincinnati) I will be trying this in the morning and hope that it works. Sorry for the length I just wanted to give a fairly good explanation of what's going on with the bike and also I tend to get a bit wordy when I've been drinking.

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