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Old 04-21-2009, 11:09 PM   #4
mr. softie
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Bucks Co. PA
Posts: 361
Re: how to safely lift the bike for a fork seal replacement ??

A tip on lifting the bike up onto jack stands...with the bike on its side stand, fit one stand under right swing arm. It needs to be a tight fit under there. Then while holding front brake, rock the bike up onto that jack stand, and push the other jack stand under the left swing arm with your foot.

Use the steel U shaped piece between the exhaust headers as your front jack point.

Suppliers...everyone has their favorites. I usually use the local dealer or an independent shop. If the part is not in stock they order it for me, takes a few days. Suzuki parts for the GZ are not expensive and the local price is usually a bit less than online. Any motorcycle shop can order any part oem or not. I have also used Bike Bandit with good results. eBay is a last resort for me, never know what you will end up with there.
The real money in a gold rush is in supplying liqueur and women to the miners....
May the wind always be at your back and the sun overhead as you make your way down the ever winding, smoothly paved, traffic free road!
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