Originally Posted by dannylightning
Originally Posted by burkbuilds
maybe just me, but even 55 mph is pretty "revved" up.
well 55 does seem kind of revved up but you don't really need to shift in to your final gear till somewhere between 40-50 mph it might just sound worse than it really is. any one want to confirm that to be true, inquiring minds want to know
Yes. While one shouldn't "beat it to death" by running it up to the rev. limiter all the time, you do need to get used to rev'ing it a little higher than your initial comfort zone.......to get anything near max. performance out of it. There even is a little "power band" there as you approach the upper RPM limit.
That is one of the things that the 16T sprocket helps with; it sounds and feels more "comfortable" at cruising speeds......keeping in mind the aforementioned recommendations and drawbacks.