Re: what's your gas milage, 80 mpg here quite happy
You get used to it after a while (the 70 mph thing.) I was pretty clenchy (well, "terrified" would be more accurate) when doing anything more than 50, but eventually, you realize that the bumps are not going to kill you, the curve is really more gradual than it looks and is easily navigated, all of the cars are at least going in the same direction, the wind is not going to knock you over, the truck is not going to suck you into its vortex. You do have to pay close attention to blind spots, suddden lane changes, and, especially, drunk drivers, but you have to do that at any speed on any road.
Of course, there are days when I forget some of the above and get a litte anxious again. But more often than not, I kind of get into to it and have to force myself to keep my speed "down" to 75. (I have ticket issues and we are on high enforcement given the state is close to bankruptcy.) If there were no legal consequences, I am pretty sure I would enjoy, on occasion, zipping down the 4 lane at 90-100.
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