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Old 04-18-2009, 02:17 AM   #14
mr. softie
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Bucks Co. PA
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Re: what's your gas milage, 80 mpg here quite happy

The last tank I burned in my GZ returned 80.9 mpg, the best I had ever done, mainly because it was a long easy ride to remember the ol' 99 by. Steady cruising at 40-50mph on country roads. The worst I achieved was 54.1 mpg on a tank burned at wot out on I95 running down to Annapolis. I try to post my fuel ups at Fuelly. Makes it easy to track your mileage with comments, price paid per gallon, price per mile, trends etc. I am always amazed at the econo-boxes getting 20mpg! So even the 55mpg that seems to be about the worst you can get on a GZ is worth putting your face in the wind, so to speak.
The real money in a gold rush is in supplying liqueur and women to the miners....
May the wind always be at your back and the sun overhead as you make your way down the ever winding, smoothly paved, traffic free road!
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