Thread: TU 250
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Old 04-12-2009, 06:19 AM   #76
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Re: TU 250

Originally Posted by Easy Rider

The only thing I would change about the GZ is the position of the pegs/controls.
Hey .... you're making me feel deformed! I'm 5' 9", 160 lbs, 32" trouser length, & nearly everything feels fine to me. I don't even get the sore backside after an hour's riding. The only thing I'd like is the handlebars coming back a coupla inches, so I could lean further back (I even recline the car seat back further than anyone I know) but I know that I could tilt the bars back a bit (if I could be bothered). I've even seen gzs with highway pegs on the engine guard, & that would throw the rider's legs even further forward. Not for me - but to each his own. Like I said, I must be happily deformed.
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