Originally Posted by ScubaBiker
Sticking up for your friend Patrick,? my original post DID NOT ASK for an opinion on the quality of Fram filters and when I stated that fact he has to give me the finger? Patrick is the wrong person for the job of being an administrator /mod for this forum if he does not have the intellect or ability to keep his middle finger up his ass.
All this over an innocent question about filters.
Do the mature thing Patrick and close this thread.
You are damn right I am taking up for my friend Patrick, but that is besides the point, you are correct YOU DID NOT ASK for his opinion about the quality of fram filters, but he gave it to you anyways in a NICE TO THE POINT WAY, he didn't say, hey you dumbass don't use those shitty filters, or don't you know any better you retard, he just simply said Don't use them, and gave you (and every other oil using vehicle owner that reads these posts) an article to read to back up what he said. If you didn't believe the article or Patrick, all you had to do was stick a Fram filter in your bike and car anyways, but you had to act like he attacked you personally or something, GET A GRIP!
Another thing, actually 2 other things, first, I notice you didn't answer my question I asked, and second, you are telling Patrick to do the mature thing and CLOSE a thread that YOU specifically opened to attack him, :facepalm:.