Originally Posted by "prof_stack":3d8rep6m
We're getting a cheaper bike with a better fuel delivery system. As far as styling it might be that the cruiser motif is fading a little. If the chrome trim pieces were actual metal I'd be for it. Plastic chrome is ... plastic. Forward foot controls are a pain in the butt after awhile. As much as I like the look of the cruisers I prefer a more standard position when riding. But the seat cushion has to be decent so I hope the TU has decent padding.
You do realize that we are not "attacking" you when we criticize the TU250, right? You seem to take this REALLY personal as if the TU is somehow going to be better than the GZ...WTF dude?[/quote:3d8rep6m]Patrick, this is the problem with written communication: The intent can get lost in the letters. I have no problem with any of these posts and have not felt "attacked" in any way. Nothing personal for me, either. Stating my opinion doesn't mean I'm on the defensive. I'm not.
The GZ is a great looking bike, a small cruiser. The TU is different, a small standard. To each his own.
I'm really relaxed after returning just now from a 133 mile ride in gorgeous 70 degree weather here in the Seattle area. The Guzzi ran great. Max Leight earplugs are wonderful. Let's chill and go riding.