Thread: TU 250
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Old 04-04-2009, 06:07 PM   #64
David Bo
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Northbridge, MA
Posts: 96
Re: TU 250

I would really love to see Suzuki introduce the 250 Intruder in the US market... I can not help but loving the look and sound of a V-Twin. The only thing I do not like about the 250 Intruder is the small and skinny front tire and fender. It cheapens the look of the honda Rebel and the Yamaha Vigiro 250. I really like the fatter front tire and larger fender on our bikes...

Does anyone not agree that a V-Twin engine would be better than our "thumpers"? Especially if it was fuel injected? Man, I would buy one the second the Suzuki dealership rolled it onto the showroom floor!

As for the TU250, I am not fan. To me it looks like a cross between a cafe' racer and a moped.
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