Honestly I'm happy, very happy, with a consistent 65. I've never had it past 70 mph and even that single instance was by accident O.o
I was just worried about some sort of sign of engine trouble as it **seemed** to be fine on week 1, then 'problems' popped up on week 2. It could just be a perception thing, not sure.
Is 60-65 mph considered abuse on the gz250??
Alan, no idea on the mixture - I'll be checking when I know more. In any case it's up for its 6000 mile checkup, I'll be taking it in next week when it turns. You may be right about the acceleration, but I could've sworn it was better last week - or, at least not as weak. e.g. heading up the Arkansas River bridge last week I noticed no slowdown, 60 mph all the way up (not a steep bridge, just a clean, steady incline); this week, I sink quickly to 52 mph.
I'll be checking into some things this weekend, and maybe in the end I'll find out that it's just me .