Re: '06 GZ freeway driving problems
Most of us ain't getting 80 so don't feel like that's likely. In my case, it takes a bit of coaxing to get it up over 70. Realistically, I'm pretty happy with 65 on the freeway. (I have a windshield.) With no windshield on, if you stick your chin on the speedo, you can get another 10mph.
BTW, it'll go 60-65 in fourth. You'll need it uphill or into wind.
I'm thinking maybe your mixture is too rich? It works okay when it's cold, but then when you are good and warmed up it's too rich. But i don't really know much about engines.
I would also say it might be a little psychological. Wait until you get a bigger bike and then go back on the GZ. It's not built for acceleration.