Re: er-6n
When it comes to bikes, there is no rock and there is no hard place. There's a myriad of bikes to choose from: way, way, more than is really called for. I recommend you ride some - do you have a rental place or maybe a bike club where some people might be dumb enough to let you try theirs? Talk to other bikers, ask them why they bought that particular bike. Ask them what they like about it. Ask them what they don't like. Ask them what they want to make sure they get on their next bike.
One great thing about the GZ... almost any new bike you get on will give you a near instantaneous "holy shit" - eating grin when you hit the throttle. As mentioned before, try to think about where you plan to take your riding. If you are just going to commute and save gas - keep the GZ and buy an American Bagger magazine and look at the pictures. If you want to do more, the best bike (from a dollars and features perspective) for you will be determined by the type of riding you intend to pursue. For example, the Strat *can* be used as a commuter bike, but the GZ is a much better choice for that.