Thread: er-6n
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Old 03-16-2009, 01:05 AM   #6
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Re: er-6n

Although YMMV, I think the Ninja 650 would be a perfectly acceptable second bike, even with your current experience. A lot of people actually recommend them to beginners, as they are still waaaay more forgiving than a 600cc supersport. Once you've gotten most of your newb mistakes out of the way on the GZ, then it really does become a matter of your maturity level in regards to riding a powerful bike (whereas perfect newbs can still be extremely mature, but make a little mistake that will kill them on a supersport).

Really, any upgrade to a larger bike will be a fairly extreme change from the GZ. I've got a bike that puts out around 55 HP now, but I was also looking at a bike that puts out ~70 HP (Yamaha Fazer 700) and would still feel comfortable riding it after my 3000 miles on the GZ. In some ways I wish I'd grabbed that Fazer up, as it was a really freakin' comfortable bike, but I know that I'm gonna have a blast when I get my KZ550 running anyway.
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