Re: er-6n
I bought an 08 Ninja 250R. It's really powerful enough to ride anywhere on (at 100mph if you want). The bike is very forgiving too. I had about 2500 on my GZ when I got the Ninja, and I had no trouble adjusting to it. Even the 500R is a fine upward step from the GZ.
That is if you're looking at a sportbike. Otherwise, if you're set on the cruiser riding position, then look into a 600cc cruiser like the V-Star 600 or even a Vulcan 500. They're both 65+ capable and will have very similar handling characteristics of the GZ.
I'd really suggest riding the GZ for at least a season if you have no other experience. They don't teach the MSF on it for nothing.
]I am hiding in Honduras. I am a desperate man. Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.