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Old 03-13-2009, 06:36 PM   #8
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Re: me and the oldest

:plus1: Yes, many of us have learned about exactly how hot that thing is by accidently taking its temperature with our skin. I burned a dime size hole in my hand just brushing against something near the seat of my Strat.

For some reason, maybe that perfectly smooth chrome coating, it REALLY burns the crap out of bare skin. There was another gentleman on here that rode his bike over to the neighbors and their 8 year old burned a golfball size hole in her leg that took over a month to heal. My wife nearly did the same thing. It's one of those lessons you don't want to learn the hard way. Get her some boots, heavy jeans and a jacket - she'll probably like the badass look anyway. Not sure why denim doesn't burn, but it seems to protect your legs (from burns anyway) pretty well.

My parents didn't approve of motorcycles (or fun, for that matter) so I'm making my fond memories now.
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