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Old 03-13-2009, 02:06 PM   #63
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: marshall mo
Posts: 23
Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

All I have to say at the moment is: Phoenix, new buddy, that little thumper was NOT made to run at speeds like that (not for long anyway). If you don't want it to BLOW UP, slow down a bit
yeah i know was just trying to find out why or how i was going so fast. weather the gas or the windshield. everytime befor that day i could only maybe go like 65 if i'm lucky, depending on how 5th wanted to act that day.
and on the exact speed i cant tell ya my speed do was saying around 73=75 or so. but i know i wa passing everything in site and my friend on his honda aero said i was pulling from him at 85.

that was a one time thing i know not to do it again. And i know it may sound like BS but its for real.

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