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Old 03-08-2009, 12:56 PM   #2
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Re: Rusted exhaust bolts

You can try and spray them with WD-40 or similar, the problem is to get the stuff down into the threads. A light tap with a hammer can also sometimes help to loosen up the rust bond. It may be that only the heads of the bolts are rusted, not down in the threads themselves, but you'll never know 'till you try and remove them. If in doubt, let the shop break them off or just leave them alone 'till something happens. You can coat the rusty part with a phosphoric acid solution marketed under many rust-off names, found in any auto parts dept., to covert the ferrous oxide (rust) to ferrous sulfite (doesn't rust) and try and preserve what's left of the parts you can see. This turns the rusty part black but will keep it from deteriorating any further.
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