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Old 03-06-2009, 10:27 PM   #40
mr. softie
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Bucks Co. PA
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Re: New Speed Record for a GZ250!!

Well of course Chris your bike is fast cause it is RED!!! Mine is red and I have indicated 87 once, but no GPS so I might have been dreaming or in an alternate Universe where GZ's go that fast. I might add I was on a long downhill section of I95 with a tailwind on a very hot day with my feet on the rear pegs and my chin on the bars and passing a high-balling semi. As I hit his bow wave I slowed down. Exciting but scary! I do get up to the low 80's on occasion when I am in a big rush, but again no gps.
The real money in a gold rush is in supplying liqueur and women to the miners....
May the wind always be at your back and the sun overhead as you make your way down the ever winding, smoothly paved, traffic free road!
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