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Old 03-06-2009, 01:53 PM   #6
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Re: Headlight cutoff relay.

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
I have two comments:
What do you expect to gain by doing that?
I think messing with the already complex starting circuit is a BAD idea.....unless there is a LOT to gain......which I don't think there is.

If your battery is too weak to start it with the headlight ON, then get a new battery.......or get the charging system fixed. Your headlight cutoff idea will just prolong the inevitable by a few days or weeks.
I expect to gain the avoidance of being stranded or having to find someone for a jump start. I've noticed that when my batter gets weak (ie I haven't ridden it in a month or two or accidentally left my tail light on) The charging system doesn't seem to be able to fully charge the battery, even if I ride for 3 hours. My battery is nearing the end of it's useful life so this is amplified somewhat. The headlight draws between 4 and 5A. Somebody else on here who was looking into heated riding gear said the electrical system only puts out 10A. That leaves only about 5A left for everything else.

I've designed industrial control panels including combustion safety circuits for work so the GZ250's electrical system is child's play for me. After thinking about it, I think I'll wire the head light in with the kick stand. All it will take is a relay and diode. When I get around to doing this I'll take pictures and post in the "how to" section for anyone else interested.

Besides I just can't seem to leave "well enuff" alone
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